Journal Entries

Each day, class with start with a 5 minute journal writing. You'll come in, write for 5 minutes at the beginning, and then we'll get started on the assignment of the day. The journal will be listed here on this page.

Requirements for journal writing: write for 5-10 minutes. Don't worry about your grammar/punctuation/spelling (except for I; please capitalize it. I can't forgive that.); just write.

In order to receive points, you need at least 10-ish lines, and it MUST be titled whatever the title below is, and MUST be on your journal page. Let me know if you don't know how to do this.

1.13--Journal: What is creativity? What does it mean to be creative? What are some ways we show our creativity?

1.26--Nature sounds...what do you think of?

1.27--Describe a place that's important to you. Where is it? Why is it important? What happens there? Who is there?

1.28--Significant people...Brainstorm a list of 5-10 people who are important to you, with  a brief description of why next to each.

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