Monday, May 2, 2016

Begin portfolio!

Today you will start designing your portfolio!

1. To start, go into your blog and mark all your entries as "revert to draft". That saves them, but takes them off your main page.  Clicking the button on the left below, then revert to draft will do it for all of them.
2. Clear the Journal page and delete it.
3. Create pages for all the things listed below--should be 6. Remember, after you create the pages, you must go into Layout/Pages to make them show up.

To be included in your portfolio:
1.  Your home page should have a picture of you, a good title, some information about you, and a famous quote about writing (make sure to cite who said it.) This is 25 points.
2.  Include tabs at the top on the following. Chapters can go in any order.
  •     Poetry--25 points, includes 5 poems, labeled
    • poems were on 1/11,1/25, 2/1, 2/22, 2/29, 3/28, 4/25
  •     Superhero-25 points, contains your superhero piece 
  •     Short story--25 points, contains a brief synopsis of your story and an excerpt. 
  •     Memoir--25 points, contains your memoir and a picture of you
  •     Author's note--25 points, Reflect on your progress this semester, the different projects we’ve done, and your writing as a whole. 

Also included:
  • 25 points for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. These projects should be finished, polished pieces with NO errors in this area.
  • 25 points for overall work effort. Project is well put together and it is obvious time was taken to make this a polished project.

Final is due on  FRIDAY at the end of the hour!!
Presentations--Monday and Tuesday

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday, 4.28: Superhero directions!

Superhero Story directions:

Choose from one of these options:

  • Origin story--what happened to make you a superhero?
  • An adventure story of your character "saving the day"
  • A story of how you got a sidekick
  • A story of a fight between you and your nemesis
  • Or an analysis of your character--a description, etc. 

Should be 2 pages, turned in by BEGINNING of hour on Monday!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, 4.27: Superhero plans!

It's time to start building your superhero character! After thinking about your strengths and your weaknesses, it's time to start!

Remember, this should be based on YOU. Whatever you are good at becomes a power, somehow. Whatever you are bad at becomes your kryponite, somehow.

Decide the following:

Special Skills/Knowledge/Power
What do you look like? Disguise? Uniform?
Helpful gadgets/Vehicle
Where do you live/hide out?
Origin Story
Other Details to include?

Post this to your blog. Either a list, or a web, or a chart...something that show your plans! 

Something to think about as you build this character, if you want: think about these colors, and how can you implement these colors in your costume/vehicle, etc.?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, 4.26: Personality Profiles

Today, I want you to do the following steps. Make sure this is finished before you come to class tomorrow.

1. Take Myers-Briggs personality test to find your personality type...It's quite a few questions, but don't analyze too much and go through all the questions.

2. Now, on your blog, put your findings from the your quizzes, and then  make a list of your strengths and weaknesses that you see from your results.

My results:

Myers-Briggs: I'm an ISFJ--Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging--"The Nurturer"

This is fun to look at after you have your code: Myers-Briggs Types in Pop Culture

My strengths:
1. Loyal
2. A good friend
3. Fast learner
4.  Kind hearted
5. Responsible
6. Dependable
7. Good/fast reader
8. Trustworthy

My weaknesses:
1. Loyal to a fault
2. Too critical of self
3. Keep things bottled up inside
4. Uncomfortable in large groups
5. Hard time saying "no"
6. Overly sensitive
7. Sometimes disorganized and overwhelmed
8. Judgmental

Monday, April 25, 2016

Poetry Monday! Begin Superhero unit

Today, we're starting our superhero unit! I want you to read this poem first. 

Poem should be about:

  • What superhero power would you like to have? Can make up any power you want. What would you do with it? Advantages? Disadvantages? 
  • 10 lines
  • Remember, rough draft where TWO people read it during class, then post a final copy to your blog by MIDNIGHT Monday night.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Children's Book Plans

Thursday, 4.7

Thursday, 4/7-Friday, 4/13
    Work time in classroom with partners on book
     May need to work outside class as well
     Both partners must contribute equally
Thursday, 4/21
    (no class Monday-Wednesday)
    Book is due completely finished at beginning of hour (100 points)
    Dress rehearsal
    Field trip to Lewis and Clark!
    Present children’s book (50 points)

    Appropriate for kids
    Three different literary devices
    Colorful illustrations
    Dominant trait of main character carried throughout
    Main character faces a problem that needs to be solved
    Simple sentences/short paragraphs
    Question or or other device to help move the reader to the next page at least once
    Neatness and creativity matters!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wednesday: outline children's book

Today, finish the outline of  your story. It’s important to outline this before you start. The page numbers and explanations will help you move your story along at a correct pace. Your story should be about 14 pages.

This is due before you come in Thursday. I'll look over it with you, and you can get started on your book.

We got a bus for the field trip today. Thanks for bearing with me yesterday while I tried to figure that out. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, 3.31: Brainstorming/Organizing Day

Finish brainstorming ideas. Come up with your concept, character names, what's going to happen, etc. Start figuring out partner roles, what's going to happen, etc.

Present your proposal to the class

    Appropriate for kids
    Three different literary devices
    Colorful illustrations
    Dominant trait of main character carried throughout
    Main character faces a problem that needs to be solved
    Simple sentences/short paragraphs
    Question or or other device to help move the reader to the next page at least once
    Neatness and creativity matters!

Required field trip--Thursday 4/21 to Lewis and Clark Elementary in the afternoon to read to 1st graders. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Monday, 3.30: Start Children's Books!

Decide on partners/work by self--start brainstorming themes, ideas, etc.

Work on outline

Present outline and idea to class

    Appropriate for kids
    Three different literary devices
    Colorful illustrations
    Dominant trait of main character carried throughout
    Main character faces a problem that needs to be solved
    Simple sentences/short paragraphs
    Question or or other device to help move the reader to the next page at least once
    Neatness and creativity matters!

Required field trip--Thursday 4/21 to Lewis and Clark Elementary in the afternoon to read to 1st graders. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday, 3.28 Poetry Monday!

We are beginning the children's book unit tomorrow.

For today's Poetry Monday, I want you to focus on a favorite from childhood--maybe a trip, or hanging out at Grandma's, or a favorite book, or a favorite cartoon...any memory from your childhood would work. Spend some time thinking about what you loved as a kid. What was fun about being a kid?

Remember rules--
  • Rough draft, have 2 people read it
  • Post final by tonight
  • Use label #poetry
Our field trip to Lewis and Clark is Tuesday, 11/17 from 1-2. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Work on short story

Work on short story! 6 pages due TODAY.

Turn in link HERE. Make sure you give me permission to edit.

Tomorrow: work on story and watch the telethon!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, 3.1: Short Story assignment

Time to start the short story! Here's the requirements again:
  • A creative title
  •  A complete plot (exposition to resolution)
  •  Conflict (internal or external or both) 
  • At least two characters (must have a protagonist)
  •  Foreshadowing 
  • Dialogue (make sure to use proper format)
  •  Sensory detail and imagery
  •  2 examples of figurative language—simile, metaphor, personification, etc.  
  •  Character development (using both direct and indirect characterization)
  •  8-10 pages in length. Go over 13, and I’ll hurt you. Less than 8 isn’t sufficient for development. 
  •  Times New Roman font, double spaced, 12 point font.
  • Will turn in paper copy when finished. 

Due dates:
  • Friday, March 6-- 3 pages turned in; share with Higgins BEFORE class
  • Thursday, March 10-6 pages turned in; share with Higgins BEFORE class
  • Tuesday, March 15--Rough draft due at end
  • Wednesday, March 16/Thursday, March 17-- Peer editing
  • Friday, March 18-- FINAL SHORT STORY DUE. NO LATE STORIES ACCEPTED. If you are leaving early for spring break, MUST turn in ahead of time. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Poetry Monday, 2.29: Acrostics

We're going super, super simple today with acrostics. You've been doing them all your life, but I want you to step it up a couple notches with your writing; it SHOULD NOT sound like a 3rd grader wrote these.


Edgar Allan Poe
Eerie stories and poems
Decorate our imagination. Both
Good and evil
Are challanged along with
Love and insanity
Lurk through the pages and
Anthologies. You will
Never know what is to happen next.
Problems of murder and mystery,
Oddities and wonderment are
Expressed with such peculiarity only he could achieve.
- - - - - Christina M.

Staring down at us
Through the night
Always there
Right up in the sky
Like a heavenly light burning
Inside you
Guiding you
Home when all
The other ways fail.
- - - - - Bridgette K.

Simple Solitude
Lost in this chaotic world
Every second spent a longing for my
Evening; to get a dose of
Peace; at last

Assignment Details:
1. Two acrostics: one with your name (I don't care if you do first or last name) and another that reveals something that is important to you.
2. Do a rough draft
3. Have a couple people look at it--make some suggestions to your rough draft: improve your word choice, add a simile etc.
4. Post the final copies to your blog with the heading: Poetry Acrostics
5. Final copies should be posted to your blog by the end of the day TODAY.
6. Remember--TRY. I know poetry isn't a favorite sometimes, but you must put forth effort.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Poetry Monday 2.22: Short story!

For today's poem, I want you to write about your short story. Here are some choices for you:
  • Overal plot structure
  • A character
  • The theme
  • One part of the plot
  • The setting
  • A conflict
Doesn't matter to me which you choose...we are going to spend this week working out some of the details of your short story before you start writing it. This is just to get you thinking about your story.

Make sure you tell me what you are writing about!

  • 10 lines
  • Write a rough draft and have someone read it
  • Post final copy by tonight
If you haven't conferenced with me about your short story proposal, today's the last day!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday, 2.18: Short Story Proposal

Today we'll begin working on your short story proposal. You'll have today, tomorrow, and Monday to get it ready and conference with me. This might be too much time for some, but others might have a hard time thinking of where they want their story to go.

I'd rather not conference with all of you on Monday, so as you finish, start meeting with me.

For your reference as you start thinking about what needs to go in the short story:

Your short story must include all of the following:

  • A creative title
  •  A complete plot (exposition to resolution)
  •  Conflict (internal or external or both) 
  • At least two characters (must have a protagonist)
  •  Foreshadowing 
  • Dialogue (make sure to use proper format)
  •  Sensory detail and imagery
  •  2 examples of figurative language—simile, metaphor, personification, etc.  
  •  Character development (using both direct and indirect characterization)
  •  8-10 pages in length. Go over 13, and I’ll hurt you. Less than 8 isn’t sufficient for development. 
  •  Times New Roman font, double spaced, 12 point font.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday, 2.16--Begin Short Story Unit!

As we start the short story unit, we're going to take a look at some excellent examples of short stories and what makes them work.

Within your group, you'll read the short story together and put together a Google Presentation identifying the key elements to the story.

You'll have Tuesday and Wednesday to do this, and it's due by end of the hour on Wednesday. We won't present them this year

EVERY person in your group needs to contribute. There are 8 elements that need to be included; most groups have 4 people. So if everyone does 2, that's a fair amount of work.

The following needs to be included in your presentation, and you need to turn it in ON THIS LINK. In addition to these elements, you will also be graded on overall effort and overall appearance.

Elements in presentation:

  1. Characterization--briefly describe the characterization--examples of direct and indirect characterization, what does the author do WELL with his/her characters, what is lacking in his/her characters. 
  2. Setting--briefly describe the setting. What does the author do WELL with setting, what is lacking? What makes the setting stand out?
  3. Plot--Summarize the plot, but don't just summarize it. Tell us what works to move it forward, how do the characters work together, how does the setting contribute to the plot?
  4. Conflicts--what the are major conflicts? Who is involved?  How are they resolved?
  5. Theme--What is the message the author wants you to learn? What is overall
  6. Mood/Tone--what is the mood or tone of the story? 
  7. Structure--is it 1st person or 3rd person? Present or past tense? What is unusual about it? 
  8. Figurative Language--find two examples of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, allegory, allusion, alliteration, etc.) How does the figurative language add to the overall story?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday, 1.29: Fun Friday!

Today for Fun Friday, we are making snowflakes in honor of this snowy season we're in! We will hang them outside on the wall when all finished.


  • Each person needs to make at least 2 snowflakes
  • You MUST clean up your mess
  • On your snowflakes, you MUST put a quote about snow. Make sure you put who said it!Can use these lists for sources, or come up with your own.

Here are some links for some really cool designs:

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday, 2.2: Memoir assignment

Memoir assignment:

Class time Tuesday and Wednesday to work
If you'd like to do peer editing, have ready at beginning of class on Wednesday and we'll pair up.
Otherwise, class time Wednesday to work
Memoir due END OF HOUR ON Thursday
Turn in PAPER COPY to Higgins on Thursday. NO LATE WORK ALLOWED.

Pick from:
  •  A First--we read Malcolm X and made a list of firsts
  •  A nature experience--we read about Blackie and wrote about nature experiences
  •  A significant person-- We read the "You did, but you didn't" piece and we worked on a character description
  •  A significant place--we read Monkey Garden and talked about a place
  • include personification
  • Creative title
  • Descriptive words
  • Length should be 1 ½ pages – 2pages.
  • DO NOT follow the 5 paragraph essay format
  • include lesson learned/reflection, but don't be totally obvious about it
  • Follow proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Poetry Monday: Focus on a person

Today, for Poetry Monday, I want you to focus on a person who is special to you. It can be a coach, mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, cousin, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, teacher...doesn't matter to me. The person should just be special to you--maybe in a bad way, maybe in a good way. IT CAN'T BE THE SAME PERSON YOU WROTE ABOUT LAST WEEK.

Poem should be about 10 lines, and must include a simile!

Remember rules--
  • Rough draft, have 2 people read it
  • Post final by tonight
  • Use label #poetrymonday
By Friday:
  • Need all 4 Journal entries posted ON YOUR JOURNAL PAGE
    • What is Creativity?
    • Nature sounds
    • Random place description
    • Nature walk observations
  • Need all posts we've done in this unit
    • 25 words
    • Brown bag activity
    • 6 word memoir
    • List of firsts
    • Nature experiences w/personification
    • Significant person 
    • You did, but you didn't post
  • Need all 3 Poetry Monday poems posted
    • I am
    • Number/age poem
    • Significant person
NOTHING will be allowed to be turned in after FRIDAY for this memoir unit.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1.27: Memoir: Significant place

Today, we are looking at a significant place

Read Monkey Garden in class and highlight descriptive words and phrases.
Look back at journal entry for descriptive words

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, 1.26: Nature memoir writing

Link for reading in class today: Blackie

Link for directions for class on Wednesday: HERE

  • Do: journal entry
  • Do: List of nature experiences with personification

Monday, January 25, 2016

Poetry Monday: Pick a Number!

Today's poem:

I will give you a number between 1-17. Write a poem about something (or more than one thing) that happened to you at that age. For example, if I had the number 7, I could write about moving to a new school. Or if I had the number 12, I could write about starting middle school, and having a huge crush on a guy named Brett. You may need to be creative with what you write about, especially if your memories are fuzzy like mine.

  • You MUST have TWO other people read your poem and make suggestions
  • Post a copy to your blog by MIDNIGHT tonight
  • Poem should be at least 10 lines
  • Follow any format you like for a poem

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, 1.20: Memoir Characteristics

Memoir characteristics to remember for the next couple weeks:
  • Reflective
  • In-depth look at an incident/series
  • New understanding/insight
  •  Non-fiction
  • Usually told in past tense
  • Written in 1st person
  • Conversational tone

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, 1.19: Firsts

Our first unit will be a memoir. We'll look at some examples, then write one at the end of the unit.

 Click here to read My First Conk by Malcolm X. (A conk is derived from congolene, a hair straightener gel made from lye) was a hairstyle popular among African-Americanmen from the 1920s to the 1960s. This hairstyle called for a man with naturally "kinky" hair to have it chemically straightened using a relaxer (sometimes the pure corrosive chemical lye), so that the newly straightened hair could be styled in specific ways) 

Take 15 minutes to read the article and identify key things that make this a good memoir, then we'll talk about it briefly.

After reading, take some time to answer these FIRST questions. Not all of them will apply to you, so skip those ones. Pick 10-15 to jot down a couple sentences/thoughts explaining the first. POST THESE TO YOUR BLOG WITH THE HEADING "FIRSTS"

First Kiss

First crush

First broken bone

First broken ego

First fight

First time I stood up for something in, even though I stood alone...

First time I experienced loneliness

First time I was outnumbered

First time I lost trust in someone or something

First regret

First thank you that you really meant

First jaw dropping moment

First time you felt like a grown up

First physical makeover (glasses, braces, etc.)

First proud moment

First embarrassing moment

First big purchase

First job

First pet

First funeral

First thrill seeking experience (skydiving, etc.)

First movie

First visit to the hospital

First “ah ha” moment/awakening moment

First time in trouble (as a child)

First time you let someone down

First time you were let down

First experience with spirituality

First experience with death

First experience with life

First time you overcame a fear

First time you experienced an injustice

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday, 1.15 Agenda: Brown Bag activity

Fun Friday!!

Today, you were to come with an item from your house in a brown bag.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday, 1.14: 6 word Memoirs

  • Create a 6 word memoir based on your life (not 5, not 7, but 6 words)  
  • Write a paragraph description on your blog explaining your 6 word memoir.  Label it 
  • 6 word memoir CAN NOT be a clique, come from a movie or already be a quote. Be original.  THINK about your life. 
  • Using any photo editing app you'd like, make your picture. 
  • Put your 6 word memoir on the picture with your name somewhere, and upload to Google Classroom.
  • Picture and paragraph due by end of the day Friday.
Homework: bring an item from your house that you love. Should be small enough to fit in your brown paper bag and not alive. You will have to share your item eventually, so don't bring something you'd be embarrassed to share. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday, 1.12: Setting up your blog

Instead of keeping a notebook in the classroom for your writing, you will be setting up your own blog (like this one!)  We will talk later about the expectations and requirements of this journal writing, but for now, you need to set one up!

1. Log on to Blogger and create a profile using your student email address.
    If you have a blog for another class, don't use that one; start a new one.
2. Give your blog a name...preferably your name, or some form of your name
3. Play around with themes. You can always change these things later.
4. Go to  this link to send Higgins your URL ASAP. 
5. Play around with adding pictures, adding widgets, changing the font and colors, etc. Customize it and make it your own!
6. Add a page at the top that is labeled "Journals" to add journal entries as we go this semester
7. You must "turn on" this journal page at the beginning. I'll walk you through how to do this.
7. Add your "I am" poem from yesterday as your first post.  Title should be 'I am', and you MUST put a label of #poetrymonday if you want it to be graded.

Today, play around with the different features, etc. and make your blog reflect your personality!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, 1.11: Poetry Monday!

Mondays will be Poetry Monday!
  • I will give the assignment at the beginning of the hour. You will the majority of class to write a rough draft. 
  • You MUST have TWO other people read your poem and make suggestions
  • You will bring a final copy to class tomorrow. 
Today's poem is "I am"--a formula poem, just to get started. Below is the formula.

I am           (two special characteristics)

I wonder     (something curious about)

I hear       (an imaginary sound)

I see    (an imaginary sight)

I want       (an actual desire)

I am           (first line again)

I pretend    (something you pretend to do)

I feel  (a feeling about smtg imaginary)

I embrace  (something you embrace)

I worry       (something that bothers you)

I cry  (something that makes you sad)

I am     (first line again)

I understand   (something you know is true)

I say      (something you believe in)

I dream       (something you dream about)

I try    (something you make an effort to do)

I hope       (something you hope for)

I am          (first line again)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday, 1.8: Agenda: Creativity Activity

Welcome to Fun Friday!

Today we're going to focus on being creative...thinking outside the box.

With the people at your table, rename things around the room that are listed on the board. You have until _____ to do this. Then we'll look at all the suggestions and vote!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome to Creative Writing!

Welcome to a fun semester in Creative Writing!

First, a little paperwork:

1.  If you have a Twitter account, please follow @LN_EaglesView, the newspaper Twitter account and @KNET_News, the broadcasting account

3. Please go to this link and complete the form regarding the syllabus.
4. Please go to  this link and complete the form regarding YOU.

5. Join Google Classroom. Code is 58d8fp .

5. Bookmark this site! We will use it just about everyday.

 You’re all set for a semester in Creative Writing! Let me know when you've finished these steps.

1st assignment: I AM....

For your first assignment, you need to create an "I am" presentation to share with the class on THURSDAY.

Options to choose from:
1. iMovie
2. Smore
3. Tackk
4. Prezi
5. Powtoon
6. Or anything else digitally you'd like to use. NO Word documents, Powerpoints, Google Slides, etc.

Requirements to include:
1. Your name
2. Hobbies
3. Favorite song
4.  Sports/clubs/organizations involved with
5. Something you did this winter break
6. Favorite quote/saying; who said it? Why do you like it?
7. Pets? Don't just a stock pic of a generic pet; must be YOUR PET.
8. Somewhere you want to visit; why?

Be creative! Don't just say, "my favorite song is..." That's boring!

When finished, use this URL to turn in your assignment. MUST BE TURNED IN BY THURSDAY  BEFORE CLASS. If you choose Powtoon or iMovie, make sure you export to You Tube in order to get a URL. Let me know if you need help with this.